Friday, October 17, 2014

Some random goodness with Aaron and Sarah in September.

With Luke back in school my mornings are spent mostly with Aaron and Sarah and the two of them really enjoy each other.  Once Luke gets home often he and Aaron do their own thing but when he is gone Aaron more frequently gives his attention to Sarah.  Here they are playing peak-a-boo!

I am enjoying the beginning of fall and the chance for Sarah to try out some new outfits, mostly just new to us but still, fun for mamma!

 I love these red shoes!!!

Aaron sweetly napping!  He likes to take his nap on the couch down stairs.  At first when he asked to nap downstairs I thought it was just so he could keep playing but after I said I was going to turn off the tv he very sweetly said Ok, and when I got him his pillow and blanket from upstairs he lay right down and I didn't hear another peep out of him.  I think he was asleep in less than 2 minutes!  It wasn't a fluke either, he loves taking his nap downstairs!

Sarah really got the hang of sitting by herself about mid month, I think this was taken on the 16th of September.  Now a month later I am catching her trying to pull herself up!  She is growing up way to fast for me.  She doesn't crawl forward yet but she can go from lying on her back to sitting to standing on her knees and she can roll or turn herself around to get where she wants to be.  She gets in either hands and knees position or hands and feet with her bum in the air, and she can lift one hand up and look up at you while in that position, but the end result is always backwards and not forwards movement.  (-:  I can't believe how grown up she seems already, 7 months tomorrow and she is such a little girl!

She still loves to look around and go get the world and snuggles are reserved for sleeping only.  I know some people think you should always put a baby down for naps so you don't spoil them, and she does do fine alone for naps, but I can't help stealing time with her while she sleeps.  She is my baby and I don't know if I will get another or not so I am going to enjoy every second I can with her at this age.  I held my other babies too, probably more actually because I wasn't as busy and they let me more, and so far I think they are turning out just fine!

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