Friday, June 4, 2010

Mary Lou

Flowers from my garden, I have no idea what they are called but they take over every year and I have to pull them out so I can see my roses. They are beautiful, just not in the right place.

My Great Aunt Clara passed away not too long ago so last weekend we had a memorial service for her at our church and two of her daughters and two of her grandchildren were able to come. One of those daughters is Mary Lou, my dad's first cousin and the mother of my best friend growing up. She was another mother to all of us, living just down the road, and when she comes to visit it feels as though we just pick right back up where we left off.
I didn't take a lot of pics, I wish I had more. We spent several evenings together at my grandparent's house, talking about Aunt Clara and sharing memories as well as catching up with family from far away. The memorial service was very nice, and I liked hearing all the other storries people shared there as well as the reading of something Aunt Clara had written about how she was looking forward to moving into her new "house" as her old one was wearing down, talking about her earthly and heavenly bodies.
The day before Mary Lou headed home I spent the afternoon out at my parent's house where she was staying and got a few pics.

It's too bad Portland is so far away!

We all had terere on the porch before she went to one of my aunt's houses for supper and since my parents are re-painting their house we all started scrapping adn picking at the paint on the porch. I should have gotten pics of everyone drinking terere and scraping, but I didn't think about it until after everyone had left, so here is all the work we did.

Rusty and Mary Lou will be back in August, so it wasn't quite so difficult to say good-bye this time. We can't wait to see them again!

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