Wednesday, June 29, 2011

family pictures

June 5th we had a Bartel get together and since it was right after church, our family was already all dressed up, and there was someone else to hold the camera I asked for some help taking a family picture. My dad took a few with our camera that unfortunately didn't turn out the best, but I got really lucky when my uncle Larry got out his ginormous fancy amazing camera and got a bunch of great ones for us. This was not really very easy because Luke was hot, a little tired and hungry. On top of that we had just gotten to Larry's house and he wanted to play with Larry's boys but I just had to get that picture taken first.

This one above is my favorite. We had a hard time getting Luke to smile with out being silly and it turns out I like his silly picture the best anyways.

This is the more professional everyone smiling picture, also very nice! Thanks Larry! After we got some good family pics Luke was desperate to put on his super man cape and run around a bit and Larry got some really great ones of that too!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

oh my goodness he is getting so big! miss ya,