Monday, April 26, 2010

Just a quick note... We spent a lot of time this weekend at the Regier great grandparent's house with all the aunts and girl cousins in town while the boys were at men's retreat and Luke had a blast playing with the kids. He dragged them all over the place and made us all laugh until our sides ached! He is talking so much and finally today figured out how to say "Gammy" for my mom instead of always calling her "Mom-mom" which is what he also calls me and all other grandma's, except for Mimi of course. In recent weeks he has also figured out how to do somersaults, gargle water and has gotten way more interested in things like coloring pictures and using scissors. We have to really watch because I think he has colored on several of our walls already! Crayon I can get off but does anyone have any tricks for pencil or should we just repaint?

He is still a little sad when going to Sunday School but he participates more than he used to and my aunt Ruth who is one of his teachers has gotten him to sing almost a whole song with her! I have never been able to get him to do that yet, he doesn't really do full sentences yet, but for her he was saying a lot of the words to one of the songs they sing at church. Unfortunately I don't know that song yet or I would work on it with him. He also usually sits through almost all of church on a regular basis now. I often have to take him out once during the sermon because he is getting too loud but then I talk to him and let him know that if he wants to he can play in children's church but that I will go back to church, or if he can be quiet he can come and sit with me in church. He almost always chooses to come back to church with me and he usually does fine the rest of the time. Today after church he wanted to play with me and he dragged me into his cardboard house and after we were sitting down I started to say something to him and he looked at me very sweetly and very seriously and said, "shhhhh". I laughed so hard. I guess he was getting tired of me saying shhhh to him in church and now it was his turn. It was a fun game for the next ten minutes or so and then he moved on to something else.

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