Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm so far behind!!!

So, no pics this time, I'll try to post some in the next few days but I'm not somewhere I have access to them tonight.

Happy April to everyone. I had to work the night before April Fools and since we get off at 3am we decided to play a nice joke on the on-coming shift. It was so much fun, especially since I have never done an April Fools joke before (I always want to but I'm just not creative enough I guess). Anyway, for anyone who doesn't know I work on a maternal/child unit in a hospital so we decided to add a few fictional patients to our roster. We put up one obvious april fools pt, named April Fools with history of 15 pregnancies, multiple drug use, bipolar, no prenatal care, etc. Then we added a more believable patient, 14 weeks pregnant, normal sounding name, here for nausea and vomiting. One of my co-workers gave a stellar performance and gave a detaled report on history and vitals and meds given, etc. They ate it out of her hand! Then right before she finnished giving report I went off to our observation room, turned on the light and tv and pulled the curtian and door most of the way shut. Then I went to the report room and started looking through our expectant mother charts until I found the one I wanted and told the on-coming shift about this pt who had just come in! Repeat c-section scheduled to come in later in the week, thinks she is in labor, dr already knows, just wants us to check her out and run a fetal heart tones strip to make sure she's not in labor and get back to her. I told them I had her on the monitor and the strip was looking good. I didn't think she was in labor because she wasn't acting like she was in pain, so just go in after a bit and check on the strip. Then we all got out of there as fast as we could. As we were leaving I saw one of the nurses go shut the door the rest of the way, without looking in! It was too much fun!!!

When the other girls I was working with came back that afternoon for their next shift they found their lockers taped/sewen (!!!) shut and then when they walked into the report room the day shift had put dry ice all over the floor and it was all smokey and the first two girls screamed and one jumped up on the couch! I guess they got us back alright, but I think we did pretty darn good because it was quite a while before they realized that the nausea/vomiting pt was a fake!

Luke is so much fun! He is learning so much every day. Right now his favorite thing to say is "Ohhh". He makes his mouth into a REALLY small o the more he does it. It is so funny. One day when he was at my Mom's my brother Tim was playing with him and he was trying to get him to say something other than Ohhh so every time he picked something up and held it out to Tim, Tim would say the color of the object... And Luke would very solomly say, "Ohhhhh"!

Luke has figured out how to turn in circles and he loves to practice. when he first started a couple of weeks ago his circles were pretty big and he had to wrap his arms around his body in the opposite direction he was going and sort of crouch down as he turned! So funny! Now he turns almost on the spot and he can go several times in a row so that he gets dizzy and falls all over the place, which he thinks is really funny (and so do we)!

I'll post more later!

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