Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow and early Christmas!
We decided to let him open his Christmas present from us tonight, the last night we are all together before we go to Goshen. He was more interested in the camera and this big box full of baby clothes, but once I got the paper off he was pretty delighted. I'm trying to upload a series of videos so you can see his progress...
And here is the happy boy after his bath next to our pretty little Christmas tree.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Afterwards I was pretty tired so it didn't take much to get me laughing, and Greg put on some music, and Luke started "dancing", and, well, you can see for yourself...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas party
We had a Christmas party with our Sunday School Class tonight pot luck style with a chocolate white elephant exchange and games. The little ones were especially cute so we got a few pics... Just a few... (-;
Monday, December 1, 2008
Pics of Luke's first haircut!!!
So I woke up this morning and wet down Luke's hair to see what a bad job I had done last night and it actually is fairly even, not such a bad job after all. It still has lots of curl in it even though it ended up a lot shorter than I originally intended. I took quite a long video this morning of him playing and he did his little head shake dance several times, the first I have gotten on video, Yeah!!! Hopefully I won't have problems loading it like I did yesterday.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
view at your own risk...
Eating borscht...
Today (Sunday, November 30) we had the Bartel Thanksgiving get together and I think after three days of being with other people he was just a little worn out because he was pretty whiny, but he did manage to be pretty cute too. When we got home I decided to attempt the hair cut I mentioned before. We have a short video clip of it but no pics because Luke was so exhausted that he fell asleep while I was working on it. We started out with Luke in the tub but that was short lived and we ended up doing the rest downstairs while he sat/lay on my lap. It didn't turn out great, I'm probably going to have to get someone else to fix it tomorrow and will most likely cry about doing it in the first place. He was so wiggly that one side got too short really quickly. I do think he might still have curls as it grows out, tomorrow when he gets up I'll take another look at it and wet it down and see what it does.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I wish my camera battery wasn't dead!!!
In other news, we have a working toilet in the new bathroom!!! It has a really short powerful flush but it's not terribly loud, which I'm glad about since it's right next to the dining room.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The cubby hole on the right of the shower is going to have three shelves in it and the toilet and sink will be on the right hand side too. I have a light blue shower curtain and soap dish and will get some towels to match. It's small but I think it will be beautiful.
This light is in the small room on the left of the bathroom. We haven't figured out what color to paint it yet, probably will get a reject paint. The to do list is a lot smaller now, we need to buy a mirror, lights and doorknob for the bathroom, finish the painting in both rooms including the shelves and door, install the sink and toilet which shouldn't take too long since I think the plumbing is already in place and waiting, install the door to the bathroom and decorate and move things in to both rooms! I can hardly wait to reclaim that space, but I think it will still be a couple of weeks at least, depending on how much time Greg is able to spend working on things.