Monday, May 12, 2014

Random fun...

Luke has always loved babies and he loves Sarah and being an older brother to her.  He takes any chance he can get to rub her head, hold her, get her to smile, etc.

Being a big brother to Aaron can go either way for him but despite the look on his face in these pics they were actually getting along really well.  Luke was showing Aaron something cool on a game and Aaron was having fun playing peak-a-boo with me and Sarah in between watching Luke and saying, "oh, cool!"

The other day Mom said she thought shse saw a yellow swallow tail butterfly at their house and soon after Luke and I saw one visiting some wild phlox flowers close to Walton Rural Life Center.

  These next few are for Mimi and Papa!   Aaron loves wearing his Pilot's hat, though he is not always in the mood to smile for pictures.  (-:

We have learned recently that sometimes Sarah just wants some space.  Usually this happens in the evenings when she is fussy, yes she does occasionally fuss.  Then if we have tried everything else sometimes we lay her down on the huge beanbag in our living room and she instantly becomes happy.  The other night I think she stayed there for a good 30-45 minutes just kicking and stretching happily until she finally fell asleep all on her own!  I took a little video of her kicking here...

Sarah also likes being on the changing table and looking in the mirror, and if I put her in the fisher price thing we got from Mimi and Papa and she is awake she is happy much longer if we mover her from room to room with us so she can see what is going on rather than leaving her in a quiet room where the boys will let her be. She is a social little girl, but doesn't want to be held constantly.

This dress was made for Sarah by Kathleen Neff!

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