Tuesday, May 22, 2012

April 26

I had to go back to have my finger checked and they gave me 2 more weeks of wearing the splint at work but gave me passive range of motion exercises to do to start getting it loosened up again.  While we waited Luke needed something to do so I let him play with my camera and he actually got one decent one.  Then of course I had to get one of him too.

While I had to wear the brace at work I was not allowed to work on my unit because it would be nearly impossible to clean it well between patients.  I volunteered to wear gloves all the time at work (changing them all the time of course) so I could continue to be on my own floor but they said that infection control still wouldn't let me do it.  So, for 4 weeks I worked in Employee Health filing paperwork all day long!  It was fun getting to know the girls down there, they are great people, but the filing just about drove me nuts.  I used to think it wouldn't be too bad having a job like that which didn't take a lot of brain power or physicality, but the monotony of it would drive me insane.  I think that the girls who work there all the time get to do other stuff to break it up, like giving to tests or immunizations and planning employee health fairs etc. but all I got to do was file.  It made me even more excited to get back to my regular job, and thankfully when I went back 2 weeks after these pics were taken the Dr said I was clear to work without the brace.  My finger is still a little stiff and it is pretty weak so I can't quite make a fist yet but it is mostly healed and only twinges a little when I try to pick up something that is too heavy.  

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