Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is a pic from our 1 week post partum visit with the midwives. I realized the other day that we didn't have any good pictures of all of us and I forgot my camera but Lois had brought hers for no reason what so ever, I guess providence! Anyway, we quickly grabed a few pics, Luke was pretty squirley and ready for a nap and Aaron was hungry and crying, but we got one! Aaron was the 200th baby to be born at the birth center so they are going to do a little write up in their newsletter and on their face book page I think.
Aaron and I are both doing really well. His jaundice levels are with in normal limits and he has actually gained at least 3 oz above his birth weight already (on day three he was down to 6lbs 1.6 oz which isn't bad at all). Luke droped 9% of his birth weight before starting to gain and I think he barely made it to his birth weight by the time he was 2 weeks old and he also had jaundice bad enough that we needed photo therapy so I was nervous about both of those things and really kept an eye on Aaron's feedings. He is obviously eating plenty and I have way more than enough so I am able to get a head start on a stash of milk for when I go back to work at the end of May. I feel like I have healed much more quickly from this birth than I did from Luke's, several good reasons for that but I won't go into that here. It is good though, because I feel like I can really be there for Luke and if I felt like I did after his delivery I would be needing a lot more help and would be a lot less available to him.

These next pics are from Sunday. Luke loves on Aaron all the time and frequently wants to snuggle with him or give him kisses.

This is Luke's new face, not sure why but he does it a lot right now and sometimes it is hard to get the smile for the pic because he keeps making this strange face. (-:

Sunday Tim got home from his spring break trip to New Orleans with the High School Jazz band. It was his first chance to see Aaron in person so Mom and Dad brought him over first thing before he even had a chance to go home. (-: I think the trip was really good, we got to see one of his performances later on at Mom and Dad's after he got back from Bible Study where he was in charge of leading music, yes, right after getting home from his long trip, that boy doesn't rest!

We went to Mom and Dad's for supper and brought a Luke friendly movie to watch together with Ben and Andrea too, and then Tim got back in time to enjoy desert together and a little play time with Luke.

The other day Aaron must have been really gassy because I saw quite a few little gas smiles cross his face. Caught a few on camera but most of them were pretty blurry, this one turned out the best.

This one is from tonight, such a little cutie, he was awake for over an hour and I just enjoyed him. Luke had a blast too talking to him and holding little toys for him to see. He got out one that played music and had flashing lights and Aaron actually turned his head towards him for that one!

Wednesday is Greg's first day back at school/work so Luke and Aaron and I will be on our own! I think it should go ok, but a few prayers would be welcome! (-:

1 comment:

Bekah said...

awww he is so handsome! Congrats :) miss ya girly
love ya