Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Luke is sitting up by himself now! I keep thinking he shouldn't be doing this stuff yet but he is. He is also pretty close to crawling I think. He likes to be on all fours and can get himself there from his tummy, and for now he just rocks and scoots backwards but forwards is definitely on the way. We can't leave him on the bed for nap time anymore, not even with pillows surrounding him because he can push them off and fall, and has twice, once for me and once for my mom! Thank goodness he wasn't hurt much.

This video is from the 12th of August but I have been pretty busy lately and earlier attempts to up load it failed, I think because it was so big, so I paired it down quite a bit for the sake of posting. Also it's sideways and I haven't gotten a program to turn it right side up yet so you all will just have to tun your monitors or heads, which ever is easier!

I'm not sure when he got this good at sitting up, but before I started the video he had been sitting up by himself for several minutes already. In fact I had been sitting right behind him for part of the time but he was doing so well and not using me at all that I got up for a second to do something close by and he was still sitting up when I got back and that's when I realized that he really can sit by himself and got the camera out. He kept sitting so long that I quit recording long before he actually fell over sideways. As you can see in the video he has a really strong back and pretty good sense of balance and can correct himself most of the time. He can easily lean down to play with his toes and sit back up again. (he shouldn't be doing this!!! he should stay my baby a little bit longer!)

It's so much fun watching him learn new things but my heart gets just a little bit sad too, it all goes so fast and all these memories are so precious. It's so good to be able to record them and share them with everyone so far away who love him so much.

Mom and Dad just got back from visiting my best friend's family and her parents in Oregon and mom says Luke and Amos (her little boy about the same age) are almost two different species they are so different! Body types and features so opposite and skills all different too. Amos is all arms and legs, fair hair and blue eyes, and he can roll much better than Luke but not sit up like Luke can! She also says he is VERY vocal compared to Luke. It's amazing, and I wish I could have gone up to see them too.


kristen said...

oh my gosh! Sitting! Luke is getting to be such a big boy! It's crazy how fast babies pick up on things! I was also really impressed with the video of Luke in the car--you've trained him well! I can't wait to see his first Winfield photos (I don't know if I'll be able to make it!) take care! love, Kristen

Anonymous said...

wow- he is so stable! i think he has an advantage with those thighs! amos scoots around some but can't get the hang of getting up on his knees at all yet. i wish we could get the boys together!


The Birdsell Clan said...

we definately need to get all three boys together at some point! I wish I could have gone to OR too! The boys are getting so big so fast!