Friday, May 15, 2015

Seven the calf!

Yesterday Amanda invited us to come meet her baby calf named Seven!  It has been very rainy so we got chore boots on and headed out to the farm!  It was time for his dinner and Amanda let the kids help get it ready for him.

Seven met us at the gate and was VERY hungry!  We could hear him mooing while we got his supper ready for him up at the house!

Such a cute little calf!

After we were done playing with Seven Amanda took us to see the kittens and hens too!  I didn't take any pics of the kittens because I was too busy playing with them.  Amanda told the boys that if they wanted one she was sure they could have one when they got a bit bigger and that they could pick which ever ones they wanted!  Daddy is going to love that!

Sarah really liked watching the hens!

The kids also played with the wagon and swing set!

Thank you so much Amanda for inviting us out to the farm!  

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