Monday, September 22, 2008
Up, up and away!
This week he did great with camping and lots of loud music and on Thursday this week we are flying for the first time with him to Indiana for a quick visit and a wedding. He is packing in a lot of firsts in a very short time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
This was not only Luke's first Winfield but his first Camping trip! Greg was excited to see what he would do as the air mattress blew up, so he sat him down and started recording. It didn't go as well as he had hoped, I think Luke was a little tired from the long drive.
Here is the campground looking across the lake. There were campground stages on all sides of us it seemed like so it was pretty noisy and several times people set off really big fireworks and Luke didn't even wake up!
Luke did really great both with the festival and the camping! I was really impressed with him. It was great to have my parents and other family there to help out with him occasionally too. Everyone there talked to him and told me how cute/beautiful he/his curls were. I got offered beads and Stromboli to trade for him but I turned them both down. (-:
Here Luke is on our sleeping bag in the stands. I remember My mom doing the same thing for us when we were little, putting a sleeping bag on the floor between the benches in the grandstand so that we could play and nap more easily. It's great because it's shady during the day and you still get to hear most of the sets you would want to hear.
Luke loves apple sauce...
Here are a few of our favorite performers...
John McCutcheon
At one of John's later sets he did a poem he had written for his oldest son about playing catch and how as he threw the ball to his son he was throwing him his heart, very sweet, and at the end of it he looked down at us and threw the baseball he had been tossing as he recited the poem to Greg! We had him sign it for us. We also got two kids CD's that I grew up listening to on tape and vinyl from him and Tom Chapin.
Luke really was fascinated by all the hats!
Luke also enjoyed playing in the dirt, another Winfield tradition!
and sitting with Grandpa...
Here Luke is moving his legs to walk. He did that right when he was born, not so deliberately, more reflex, but then he stopped moving them at all when you stood him up and just recently started trying to get somewhere with them. I saw him watching other little kids walking pretty intently at Winfield!
The last night we walked around the lake campground to see our Bethel friends. I didn't get any pictures because it was almost completely dark, but we had a good time hanging out with a few people we rarely get to see. In particular Luke really seemed to love C.J. and spent a good five minutes just smiling at him and patting his face. It was also good to see Matt and Heidi, Matt and Joanna, cousin Nathan, and several others. There were definitely more than a few faces missing but maybe they will make it out next year. See you then Winfield!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pulling up!
Well, Luke has got the crawling thing down pat now. Mom said last night when he was at their house it was almost like he was obsessed with the fact that he could move wherever he wanted, not just the couple of feet he had been doing but all over the place! Now he is moving on to even greater things... Pulling himself up! Here is a short video...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dr visit
18lbs 5 oz.
28 1/2 inches long (I actually think she may have added about half an inch but it wasn't much so I didn't say anything, not like last time when she added about 4 inches! ;-)
We stayed strong and didn't get any shots this time as per the Danish schedule. It was a little interesting though because the Dr is a friend of our family and his nurse happens to be my Mom's best friend. He went over the schedule with me and compared it with their schedule and the brand of vaccines they use and why some of the differences might be. For example one of the vaccines has two main forms, one needs three shots to give full immunity and the other only needs two and we happen to use the one that needs three, possible the Danes use the other? I told him we would talk about it and Greg said he still wants to wait until Luke is a year to get anymore shots. I think our Dr was ok with us not getting all the vaccines right now. But I also think that it would be easier for him maybe if we followed the standard. We talked about the Autism scare that affects most people's decision not to get vaccines and I told him that I know vaccines probably don't cause Autism but I'm not convinced that they don't sometimes trigger it, especially if the child has a reaction to the vaccines or even just a high fever with them and he agreed with that. I said that as for the other vaccines that are required for school we would cross that bridge when we came to it but I didn't see any reason for him to get them now other than to get them over with, like Hep B which is only spread through bodily fluids and I don't think Luke will be having promiscuous sex or sharing drug needles before the age of 5. Anyway, I was nervous going into it. I guess I don't want to alienate the Dr's who work with me professionally or personally, and I didn't want him to think I am unreasonable or extremest. It went really well in that regard, I think we talked through things and understood each other.
After the Dr's visit I took my mom out for lunch for her birthday which is Saturday the 13th. Happy b-day Mom! I love you! My mom and I have similar tastes in food a lot of the time but I think sometimes she is more adventurous than I am, I tend to find one thing on the menu that I like and stick to it. When I eat with my mom though I try to get something new, especially if there is something she really likes. We went to a local mom and pop type diner that has really good patty melts and Dad doesn't like that restaurant so they don't go very often. I had never had a patty melt and was picturing a salmon patty covered in melted cheese or something. If any of you have never had it's basically a hamburger with melted Swiss cheese and grilled onions on rye bread grilled. It is yummy but I don't know that I am quite the enthusiast my mom is.
Also while we were there I got water with lemon to drink and she gave us a whole bowl of lemon slices so I gave one to Luke to play with and see what he would do. I wish we had a video of it! He LOVED the lemons! He would put it in his mouth and suck on it and then make a face for a second and then jam it back in his mouth again! He sucked on lemons for several minutes before he got tired and started playing the "throw-it-on-the-floor" game. It was pretty funny. (-; He also enjoyed flirting with the waitress who couldn't get enough of him.
Well, we are really busy the next few weeks. This is probably my most laid back week, but this weekend I work, then the next weekend is Winfield and we are camping for two days!!! Then the next weekend we are flying to Indiana for a friend's wedding which is on the 27th of September. The weekend after that I work again so it's going to feel kinda crazy for a while. At night when I can't think I go over in my head how we are going to pack for the flight to Indiana or how we are going to prepare for Winfield. Things like how we will get his carseat and breastmilk on the plane, or what things I can pack to make sure that we don't have to do a lot of moving around and Luke stays warm and happy at Winfield. My mom is a list person when it comes to vacations and trips and often says that when she can't sleep before a trip she has to get up and make a list so that she can relax and stop thinking about it all the time, I guess she passed that along to me too. (-:
Well that's it for now! Hope to see lots of friends at Winfield in two weeks and happy b-day again to my Mom! I hope I can be as good of a mom to Luke as you are to me.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
the hat!
So, if it has to be cold outside, bring it on. We are ready!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
new projects and fun stuff!
Above is the yarn for the hat(it's actually a little bluer and greener than it looks in the picture) and below is the pattern and my progress so far tonight! The yarn is very soft and warm alpaca yarn! The ear flaps have " hidden" peace signs, can you see them below???
And finally the sock yarn!