Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Some random goodness from 2015

As most parents will attest being a parent is both the hardest and most amazing, wonderful, earth shattering, heart rending, awesome, etc thing I have ever done.  My children and the love we share make all the hard parts of parenting minuscule in comparison to the goodness that they bring into my life each day.  Even when I have had the hardest days they can always bring a smile to my lips.  In these last few months having lost two grandpas I have been especially grateful for each day with those I love and also for all the photographs of the people I love and the memories they bring back to me.  From the beginning, before Luke was even born, I knew I wanted to take lots of pictures and try to keep track of things that I wanted to remember, knowing somehow that these things would be important to me and to them.  Regardless of how much or how little time I have I want my children to have visual reminders of all the love I have for them, all the goodness I tried to give them.  If I have little time then they will know, even if they can't remember all these things I am taking pictures of, and if I have lots of time, if I live to see my great grandchildren, then I can show them these pictures and stories of our lives and love for each other long before they were born.  Pictures might not be important to everyone and they don't have any effect on the quality of my love or the relationships I have with my children, but they are important to me and I hope they will be small blessings to my children as they grow.

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