Luke is changing so fast! He is always learning and I am always amazed at each new stage in his development. This is the most recent development. Since he was born he has watched me get ready for the day, usually Greg isn't home then so he sits and plays on the floor in the bathroom while I get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, etc. Often I have given him my hair brush to play with when I am done, usually he just uses it to bang on something for a little while and then discards it for something else. On Wed. we were at my mom's house and spent the night there since it was my sister's last night at home. Luke and I did our usual bedtime routine of bath and then pj's and a little last play time. When his pj's were on I set him up with a few toys to play with and got a brush out to brush my hair. He came over to me and reached for it so I gave it to him and he started trying to brush my hair! Becca came over so I got Luke to brush her hair and grabbed the camera.
He has also recently decided that he wants to hold the spoon when we eat and he puts the right end in his bowl and stirs everything around, occasionally trying for a bite of food but always ending up with it everywhere. Also, he is no longer satisfied to eat whatever I give him, he wants to eat what I am eating!
That same night Tim was playing video games and Luke got interested in the controller and it was too cute to pass up, so here is Luke trying to play video games with uncle Tim.
On Thursday I took Luke shopping with me for a little bit, we had a few things we needed to pick up down town and we stopped at one of our local thrift stores briefly. I had been wanting to get Luke a baby doll because he LOVES babies and I thought it might be a great way for him to learn about lots of other things. There just happened to be a baby doll there that didn't look too bad so we brought it home, cleaned it off and gave it some of Luke's baby clothes (way too big but better than what it had on when we got it). Luke loves his baby doll, he gives it LOADS of kisses. The cutest thing is that he practices with it, taking care of it already. He has a tooth brush that his Mimi in IN gave him and we have been using it to help him through getting all these new teeth in...
He really enjoys chewing on it, I think it feels really good on his sore gums and his top teeth have really been giving all of us a hard time. Anyway, since he got the doll every time I get out the tooth brush for him he brushes everyone's teeth, his, mine and the baby dolls'! So sweet! here is a quick clip, sorry, I know it is sideways but I had already been taking pics of him with the camera that way and I forgot to turn it around before I did the clip, in fact I forgot and didn't notice I had done it until I watched it just now. (-:
I also got Luke some triangular crayons the other day and until today he hasn't figured out what to do with them, but today he just got it! So this is a pic of Luke's first art work! I already hid it away with my scrap booking stuff so he'll have it forever!!!
Luke has also started "talking" a lot more now. He doesn't use signs really, I kinda lapsed on them a while back so that doesn't really surprise me, but he has lots of sounds that he says and he has figured out that when we talk it means something. so, he will look at me and say,"UHH!" and if I don't do anything he says it again but louder! When Becca was here she was walking around the house with him and he saw me and said UHH! Unfortunately I was just geting up to walk away to the Kitchen or something and when I started to walk away from him he got this panicked sound in his voice as he called out UHHHH!, UUUHHHHH! his other main sounds are Ma, Da, Ba and La, but he often just jabbers away with lots of sounds mixed together too, and the other day he started whispering "ffffffffff". Very cute!
Sometimes I think about all the documentation we (I) have done this year, my poor son, I hope he won't mind too much when he is a teenager, I think he will enjoy it when he is an adult. I really love knowing about family history, what my grandparents were like as kids, what kind of people my great grandparents were. We can document those kinds of things so much easier now than they could. I just hope that I can keep it up with our future kids as they come along. Obviously it's not worth missing out on actual time with your kids to write down everything they do, but I don't want anyone to get the short end of it either.
That's all for now folks...
Those are good videos. I like how eventually any activity becomes arm-flailing.
I'm so excited that you got him a baby doll, Laura!! I think that's a wonderful way to encourage his caring and compassionate side! It's so cute to see the videos you post of Luke, it makes me feel like I'm closer and can see all his stages...he's learning so much these days!...although I'm not sure I'd want Luke to help me brush my teeth yet!
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